Pocket Coffee Scale
Pocket Coffee Scale
Pocket Coffee Scale
Pocket Coffee Scale
Pocket Coffee Scale

Pocket Coffee Scale

정가 ₩26,000
정가 ₩29,000 판매 가격 ₩26,000
배송비는 결제 시 계산됩니다.

The GEARTRON Pocket Coffee Scale is an essential item that should be in your portable coffee pack! Always get your perfect brew by precisely weighing for the desired coffee bean to water ratio.

Smart Auto Mode
It always has a built in hand drip coffee auto mode. The weight scale will automatically tare while you mount the dripper, filter paper and ground coffee. The timer will start counting up when it detects water is being added.

Tactile Buttons
Stop wasting your precious coffee beans! No more messing around with touch sensing buttons that are easy to cause errors. The buttons on the Pocket Coffee Scale is tactile and responsive.

Durable Cover
The cover of the Pocket Coffee Scale can be used as a measuring tray while keeping the scale protected.

Max. Weight: 2kg
Precision: 0.1g
Weight: 149g (Approx.)
Power: 2x AAA batteries

결제 및 배송


We accept major credit cards and Paypal. Upon receipt of order confirmation, we will arrange delivery in 2-5 working days. Please allow 10-14 working days to arrive.

What is the shipping fee?

We provide an international shipping service, including United States, Canada, Europe, United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and other APEC counties. Shipping charges are vary and will be applied at check out.

How long does it take to ship?

We usually ship the item within 2-3 working days upon receipt of payment confirmation. Please allow 10-14 working days to arrive.

세부 사항 및 관리

Do I have to pay import tax or duty fee?

International taxes and duties vary significantly by country. We are unable to estimate the import tax fee. We are not responsible for any import duty fee.

Can I refund or exchange the product?

We provide 1 (one) year warranty from the date of purchase. Repair or replacement service is provided within this period. A defective item can be replaced with a good one if repair is not the best alternative. Please check out our Return and Refund Policy at the bottom of our page.